Turbotax You Must Fix Errors on This Page Before Continuing

How to Troubleshoot the TurboTax Update Issues

TurboTax is the most popular tax-preparation software for the taxpayers who want to file their tax returns without any hassles. If you have installed TurboTax on your PC, it is necessary to update it from time to time to provide essential solutions for software bugs and the tax law.

Though the TurboTax is a secure and robust program,Guest Posting you might face problems at times when updating the software. Most of such issues are minor and can be easily fixed with basic troubleshooting. For any query or major issues, you can contact TurboTax customer care experts online and get solutions instantly and efficiently. Here's how to solve the Turbo Tax update problems.

Update Errors:

TurboTax update problems usually cause error messages, or the download process might stop before it is completed. When updating the software, you might face some of the typical errors, including the 'Error create firewall rule(s)!' A basic statement may appear stating the 'executable has encountered a problem.' In addition to the error messages, you can only update the TurboTax program for current tax year – it can't refresh the copy of the version you bought for a previous year because the federal and state tax laws change from one to the next year.

Causes for Update Problems:

Some of the errors that might occur while trying to update TurboTax program are mainly resulting from the incorrect settings on your PC, the software interference, hardware issues, and the Internet connectivity problems. Sometimes, software code itself can be the reason of update problem. So, before going further, you should check for these possible reasons.

Note – You can contact the TurboTax customer care number to get immediate solutions and resolve different e-filling issues in TurboTax.

Download Errors:

Users also reported that the update bar on TurboTax pauses at 0 or 100 percent at times, or download process randomly freezes. Besides these possible causes, the 'one-click update' button may not work correctly to install updates automatically. Sometimes, firewall settings on your PC might encounter an error or cause the update failure before it finishes or not to initiate at all.

Troubleshooting Solutions:

If the TurboTax update process fails before it completes, it's recommended to disable ad blocking plug-ins and pop-up on your web browser. Ensure that the firewall software is set to identify TurboTax as a trustworthy website and that the firewall is disabled in the download process. Sometimes, download interruptions are resulted by insufficient disk space, so make sure that the hard drive has the sufficient space for a large process. If required, you should use the disk clean-up utility to create more space. In case you're still facing the error, even it's not caused by the firewall; you need to reinstall the TurboTax update.

Other Considerations:

If the above-discussed solutions didn't work to fix the TurboTax update issues, you must consult the Intuit customer support professionals to get rid of them instantly and efficiently. A team of skilled and proficient people will guide you step-by-step to fix the possible problems and efficiently update your TurboTax program.


Also, remember to enable the firewall and other antivirus programs again after disabling them to allow the TurboTax updates. While disabling the security programs to allow the TurboTax download poses some risk, letting your PC remain unsecured enhances the chance of infection by viruses and vulnerability to attacks.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

About Article Author

David Sem

David is a professional blogger who specifically writes to provide tech support to the readers. His blogs are mostly related to tips and hacks that one can use to fix various devices and applications. You can follow him and his blogs to know more about the same.

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Source: https://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/technology/how-to-troubleshoot-the-turbotax-update-issues.html

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