When Can You Feel a Baby Move on the Outside

REVIEW i Nowadays unproblematic, present continuous, stative verbs Past unproblematic, past continuous, used to A. Use the give-and-take given in capitals at the end of eachline to class a word that fits in the gap in the same line Collecting records These days, most of us have a CD (1) … . Before the CD, (two) … . m ade LPs, or „long — playing‟ records. Although many (3) … accept never seen an LP, they were in one case very popular. To play these records, you needed a record (4) … with a needle that ran forth the r ecord and produced the sound. Some (five) … say the sound of LPs was better than CDs — and many (half-dozen) … concord! LPs are no longer very popular as a grade of (7) … . , but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from thei r (8) … and listening to records reminds them of the past COLLECT SING Child PLAY MUSIC COLLECT ENTERTAIN Child B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You take to use i word twice. c arry eat give jo in send take turn nine. Now, everyone knows this vocal, so I want you all to … information technology with me! x. Information technology‟s noisy in this restaurant . Could you enquire them to … the music downwardly? 11. There was a fight during the lucifer and the refree … ii play ers off. 12. Nosotros … out nearly one time a calendar week and we cook at home the rest of the time. 13. I dear this song! … it up! xiv. I used to play the trumpet, simply I … . upwardly concluding year because I didn‟t have time. 15. We stopped playing because of the rain , but when it stopped we … on. 16. A good mode of getting more exercise is to … . upwards a sport, like basketball. C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar significant to the first sentence. Write between two and five wo rds. 17. Jack really likes football and never misses a friction match. crazy Jack … .football and never misses a friction match.

Collectingrecords These days, most of us have a CD (1) … COLLECTion… . Before the CD, (ii) … . SINGers… fabricated LPs, or „long- playing‟ records. Although many (3) … CHILDren… take never seen an LP,they were once very pop. To play these records, you needed a record (four) … PLAYer… with a needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some (5) … MUSICians… say the audio of LPs was better than CDs — and many (half dozen) … COLLECTors… .agree! LPs are no longer very popular every bit a course of (7) … . ENTERTAINing… ,but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their (8) … CHILDhood… and listening to records reminds them of the pastB.nine. At present, anybody knows this song, so I desire you all to … . join… information technology with me! x. Information technology's noisy in this restaurant . Could you enquire them to … . turn… the music downwards? xi. There was a fight during the match and the referee … . sent… two players off. 12. We … . eat… out most once a week and nosotros cook at home the rest of the time. xiii. I dearest this song! … turn… . it up! 14. I used to play the trumpet, only I … gave… up final year because I didn't have fourth dimension. 15. We stopped playing because of the rain , simply when it stopped nosotros … bear… . on. sixteen. A good manner of getting more than exercise is to … . take… up a sport, like basketball game. C. 17. Jack really likes football and never misses a friction match. Jack is crazy about football and never misses a match. eighteen. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. My uncle was a sailor until he was xxx. 19. Practise you want to picket TV? Practise yous experience like watching TV? xx. John participated in a swimming contest concluding week. John took part in a swimming competition last week. 21. June and I had a game of tennis. I had (played) a tennis game confronting June. (не уверена) 22. I played chest nigh every mean solar day when I was young. I used to play chess near every solar day when I was immature. 23. Volleyball doesn't really interest me. I'm not in for volleyball. 24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. I had fun at your birthday party. 25. Young children like Disney country. Disneyland is popular with (amidst?) immature children. 26. Karen doesn't like watching sport on Boob tube. Karen is not keen on watching sport on Boob tube. D. 27. When you rang, I … was cleaning… my bike. 28. At my last basketball club, we … D used to train… .every Saturday for three hours. 29. I really … . B.liked… the meal we had at your house concluding Tuesday. 30. We … А. went… to the beach every day when we were on holiday. 31. I broke my leg when Tony and I … C were practising… for the school sports twenty-four hours. 32.Leon never … A.talks… .about it, but he was one time a world champion skier. 33. I … D. didn't use to… .like golf, but now I actually similar it. 34. Denise … B. is working… .at the stadium until she finds a improve chore. Due east. 35. I waited outside the tennis club for D. a long fourth dimension, but George didn‟t appear. 36. When you rang, I was in F. the centre of cleaning my football boots. 37. Nosotros finally got to the stadium but in C. time to meet the lucifer start. 38. I just play football for A. fun, and I don‟t desire to practice information technology as a job. 39. I loved that film and when information technology comes out E. on DVD, I‟ll definitely get information technology. 40. It‟south corking to appear on B. stage, with all the audience clapping.

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When Can You Feel a Baby Move on the Outside

Source: https://tutreshu.ru/angliyskiy-yazyk/review-1-present-simple-present-continuous-stative-verbs-past-simple-past-continuous-used-to-a-use-the-word-given-in-capitals-at-the-end-of-eachline-to-form-a-word-that-fits-in-the-gap-in-the-same.html

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